Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
- Score:Editor's Choice: 10.0
- Konami
- Kojima Productions
- Adventure
- Release:06/12/08
- ESRB:Mature
2.Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars
* Score:Editor's Choice: 9.5
* DS
* Action
3. Braid
* Score:Editor's Choice: 9.5
* Xbox 360
* Action
4. inFamous
* Score:Editor's Choice: 9.0
* Action
5. Comet Crash
* Score:Editor's Choice: 9.0
* Strategy
6. MLB 09: The Show
* Score:Editor's Choice: 9.0
* Sports
7. Killzone 2
* Score:Editor's Choice: 9.0
* Action
8. Street Fighter IV
* Score:Editor's Choice: 9.0
* Xbox 360
* Action
9. Street Fighter IV
* Score:Editor's Choice: 9.0
* PS3
* Action
10. Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box
* Score:Editor's Choice: 9.0
* PC
* Driving
to all x-box 360 or may i rephrase shitbox-360. we are currently KICKING you ASS
only one exclusive 360 game - Braid. what happened to that all so glorious game Halo and Gears of War you used to defend your console? WAIT its not in the list!? WOW
5Ps3 EXCLUSIVES and only one exclusive xbox game. street fighter doesn't count its multi platform. and to add to that we have another exclusive in the new batman game Arkham Asylum :) JOKER as a DLC eat that bill gates you piece of shit
try and fight back if you can
but what exclusive do you have this year NONE
so take it in and admit that ps3 is BETTER
but what exclusive do you have this year NONE
so take it in and admit that ps3 is BETTER