Wednesday, June 17


i took this off someones blog HEHE

well this was interesting -_-

no whacking off to him then

i would really want to see the face of his wife when she opens up his pants.

HAHA ok i am very very mean :(

seriously kesian though :|

it sucks when its small but

when you have nothing at all?

"KANGAR: While the birth certificate of 10-month-old Muhammad Nabil Mustaqim Rodzake states that he is male, he lacks a penis.

When he was born without the male organ last Aug 10 at the Tuanku Fauziah Hospital, he was subjected to a DNA test which confirmed he had more male characteristics.

what bothers me in this picture is his dad
doesn't he looks happy?
well sure i have no right to comment on him but is that a smile?

Unusual condition: Rodzake and Zatul Bazamah showing their son Muhammad Nabil at their home near Kangar. — Bernama

Nabil Mustaqim was also born without a right thumb, right ear and proper eyelids.

His mother, Zatul Bazamah Abd Rahman, is now seeking help from medical specialists to fix the problem.

Zatul Bazamah, 26, said:

“We are sad to think that he will grow up without the male organ, and the emotional stress that awaits him.”

The baby – the second child in the family – is now receiving treatment at the Tuanku Fauziah Hospital and Sultanah Bahiyah Hospital in Alor Star.

“We have been told that our son needs to wait a little longer for suitable treatment for his genitals while his other physical defects could be fixed with plastic surgery when he is four years old,” said Zatul Bazamah at the family home in Kampung Batu Lima near here.

The baby’s father, Rodzake Namis, 34, hoped the treatment could be carried out as soon as possible. — Bernama"