i've been trying oh so very hard to keep my mind off things. yes.
i have been suffering from manic depression these past few days.
some things i did was beyond idiocy and just in simple words Stupid.
well feeling like the little pathetic man i am.
only bright side is
tomorrow is Thursday :)
and Thursdays are always going to be a favourite day for me :)
and I've been really interested in HP Lovecraft's work these days :) he has such an imaginative mind. i am going out and trying to find some of his books about the Cthulu Mythos.
i am very inspired by his work which is excellent to say the least. i might start to right something of my own.
imagine an alternate dimension, which was ruled by several gods, names the Outer Gods and the Great Old Ones. check the websites out its in my Wherever You May Roam section. hahaha