you know, you can see in the community today that quite a number of teenagers are OBSESSED with mobile phones! some aren't obsessed but quite a lot
walk down in the town you'd see everyone holding a phone or playing with one
i am quite ashamed to admit i quite am one -_- urgh
WELL these past few days I've abandoned my phone
i haven't touched it since this afternoon
and let me tell you this
it fucking ROCKS
ok you get a text your excited
OK that's stupid no you don't -_-
umm life is better off without hand phones
my ipod is all that i need :)
every time that i want to sleep i start to doze off
BOOM my phone rings
but since i abandoned it i felt so calm :)
haha my depression has nothing to do with my hand phone!
that's just sad -_-
its been day 3? i think off no hand phones and it seems clear that for the next 2 weeks i'm not going to fucking touch it
Just do it , experiment
don't text or call anyone (unless needed too) for a day or two and trust me, you'll feel much more calm and better.
whether its just me but it feels nice without it :)
WELL until YOU come back then its back to hand phones with me HAHAHA :p